Pastor - John Chester
Pastor John was born on the Northside of Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania in 1971 and raised in a non Christian home. He came to saving faith at the age of 29 solely through the reading of Scripture. He has lived in the inner city, the suburbs and in a rural setting, and has worked both blue and white collar jobs. He married his beautiful wife Cassandra, May 2009. Pastor John graduated Spring of 2012 with a Master of Divinity degree from The Master's Seminary and was ordained to the gospel ministry by the elders of Grace Community Church (Sun Valley, CA) December 13, 2012.
Elder - Raymond Harris
Originally from Barbados, Raymond emigrated to the U.S. in 1992. Raymond recently retired from a career in cyber security working with both the U.S. Coast Guard and the Pentagon. In addition to his service at PBC, Raymond leads a Bible study in his community. Raymond and his wife of 35 years, Catherine, reside in Haymarket.
Elder- Bryce Lenon
Bryce grew up in England and California, receiving a BA in English from U.C. Santa Barbara and a MFA in Acting from Temple University. Bryce is married to Abby and they have three children, Calvin, Owen, and Piper. The Lenon family moved from Los Angeles to Virginia in 2012, where Bryce began a PR & Marketing Career and also teaches as an adjunct professor at both Northern Virgina Community College and George Mason University. He wrote, directed, and acts in a touring three-man play adapted from the book of Acts.
Elder - Fernando de Souza
Fernando and Evelin were born in Brazil and immigrated to the US in 1997. They have two adult children and four grandchildren. Fernando came to faith in Christ at a young age and was baptized when he was 18 years old. He graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and works as an IT contractor for the federal government.
Deacon – Josh Labrie
Josh grew up in northern Virginia and now lives in Culpeper. He met his wife Claire while studying at the University of Virginia, and they have four children. From a Catholic upbringing, Josh came to saving faith in his early 30s and was baptized in 2016. Josh works as an educator to develop and support STEM and CTE pathways in the region. He has attended PBC since 2017, and was recognized as a Deacon in 2023.
Deacon - Aleksander Marthinussen